Get Involved
While it is important to engage with your child’s principal and teacher, it is also important to educate the parents around you about what is being taught. The best way to do this, of course, is to simply talk to the parents in the school community you already know, and ask them to speak to parents they know and so on. Once you start talking to other parents about this issue, you will be surprised how many parents are unaware of what is being taught during RSE classes or the potential for harm posed by gender theory.
Case Study of a Primary School Consultation
School Body Positive Policy
We recommend that all schools consult with their community and set a policy about sex and gender, to avoid unnecessary conflict and potential litigation.
We recommend that the school RSE curriculum specifies the questions that are age-appropriate and will be answered at school and those that everyone has agreed will be referred to home for answering. This flowchart provides an easy to follow guide.
Be aware of your school’s policies
You can attend the Board of Trustees meetings, PTA meetings, ensure you keep yourself informed of what is happening in your child’s school and give yourself the opportunity to provide feedback.
Find other parents who hold the same concerns and approach the Board as a group. Ask to speak to them. Advice on speaking to a BOT is here.
If you don’t have time to attend meetings you can still read the meeting minutes. Your school’s website will have them somewhere or you can simply ask the school office where they are stored.
If you have the time, you may even choose to join the school board. You don’t need any specialist skills or experience and there is plenty of support available online to guide you through this process.
Write to the Ministry of Education
If you find that your child’s school is not providing you with the information you have requested or treating you in a hostile manner when you share your concerns with them, you can make a complaint to the Ministry of Education. Should you feel that your situation is concerning enough that you wish to do this, please feel free to reach out to us for assistance.
Write to your MP and the Minister of Education
Currently, MPs don’t particularly want to touch this topic. Many are not fully aware or concerned about this issue and avoid discussing it because they are not well-informed and don’t want to be damaged in the media over accusations of bigotry and transphobia.
However, the more MPs hear from everyday parents about our genuine concerns, the more they will realise that this is an issue they need to pay attention to and take action on.
It is always best to contact them with your own examples and experiences, however, you can use this draft letter as a starting point by selecting the paragraphs that are relevant for you.